Monday, March 8, 2010

Power of Mind

Mind is a very powerful creator. It silently manifest whatever is fed and kept focused in your mind. Most of us most of the times keep worrying thoughts in  our mind. So what would you expect? All those things that we wanted to avoid starts happening to our horror. I did not realize the massive impact my thoughts had in influencing in my day to day lives. It is like we are creating our own problems and we are using our own mind to create troubles. I could hardly imagine I was directing the fateful events in my life that I hated to live. I was self-destructing!

Interestingly, all thoughts are treated equally by our mind. Both good/Positive and bad/Negative thoughts are treated equal and are not differentiated. All the thoughts that are fed freely into our conscious mind are piped freely into subconscious mind. Once any thought that enters into our subconscious mind will be taken up for execution. In other words, whatever thoughts that can get into our subconscious mind it takes shape in real, material world. So be careful what you allow yourself to think.

Be aware of your thoughts and allow only positive thoughts. Develop mental strength to allow what makes you happy and simply disallow any kind of worries and thoughts. Like there is a popular saying 'What you don’t mind, does not matter.' If you are not thinking of something it does not materialize on the physical realm of life.

Mind is an extremely powerful machine, it has the capability to build beautiful things or bring destructions. We are the masters and creators of our destiny. If we allow our mind to wander freely without reigning, we blame our life on unknown punishing force called fate. Fate is nothing but our own unconscious creation. Everyone can create a life one wants by just practicing good and constructive thoughts. Just practice this, and simply see how miracles start happening in your life.

One book that immensely changed my perceptions is (OM) Outrageous Mastery by Sasha Xarrian

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