Monday, March 8, 2010

Life Driven By Ego

I can say without hesitation that my life so far was driven by my ego. Thus far, I was always under the impression that I can control what I can become and how my life runs or what I wanted in my life. I wanted to become an executive in a large multinational company, have big bank balance, own a house, buy a luxurious car etc. Nevertheless, I am only reflecting what most people want in their lives since we are driven by almost similar needs.

To achieve my dreams of making big in the corporate ladder, I built up a impressive resume by working in different corporations to acquire good experience, attended seminars, earned professional certificates to name a few. I spent most of my career in trying to beef up my resume with good credentials. I was under the impression that nothing would go wrong in my career or life in general. I was totally unprepared for changes that have unsettled my life completely and put the life in totally a different path. It only meant whatever I did for the last 20 years to build up my career, did not really put me where I wanted to go. On the contrary, I am shown an entirely new path that possibly is the right path and, perhaps, I could do better. Nevertheless, my ego was deeply hurt as the circumstances did not satisfy its needs.

I realized that I cannot control my destiny and I am only an actor on stage. It took some time for me to understand a meaning behind life and I also come to understand that most of our desires were ego driven. It was indeed the cause for my fears, stress, and worries. I was not able to feel happy and always chasing my desires without seeing an end to it. One day it dawned to me that I can be free from stress, worries, and disappointments, if and when I decide to go with the natural flow of life, instead of chasing my ego driven desires. There is a universal force that takes care of our physical and psychological needs. Having faith in the power would not only bring happiness but also contentment. One must learn to unlearn and ready to accept new and unexpected. Be spontaneous, accept the life as a gift, and live in present moment, and finally enjoy every moment of your life.

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