Sunday, July 19, 2009

widower - Lady - Message - Money

After I go through a challenging last week, this morning, I took out cards to show me what is in store at present. I got the following cards,

The message seems that to clear up emotions or the past (Widower), there is a some sort of communication (Message) from a lady (perhaps old friend) which involves substantial Money.

Indeed, one of my ex-colleague who once offered me business deal, had long gone out of my network of friends due to some reasons. Suddenly, yesterday, I connected with her on facebook. Interestingly, in one of tarot card readings yesterday, this sudden arrival was very well predicted!

I also realized that Loss cards also means expenses or money paid to some services, not necessarily always means some sort of loss through gambling. Each person could interpret in different way.

For sometime, I was also wondering what could be the difference between 'Widow' and 'Widower'
card? Now, alteast, I know one difference. The widower card indicates faster emotional recovery to loss, and widow card indicates slower recovery.

Hope things will get better in my life.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

sadness - Fortune - Message - Loyalty

Finally, I decided to draw one more time 4-set card, that put the following cards,

The message is clear, the 'sadness' is only temporary and give way to fortune with a message
of our hope and desire (read my previous blog) is coming from a friend or partner.

The cards are telling me story and it is, indeed, my life's story!

Thief - Baby - Gift - Desire

I have been heavy thinking all this morning. I woke up at 3.30 AM and my mind starting working at warp speed. Since yesterday, sickness card was coming up repeatedly and I could'nt quite get the subtle message the cards giving me. This morning I realized that I am confining myself voluntarily by refusing to do what I should be doing to ward off my financial troubles.

The message was crystal clear, get out and do what is necessary to earn money. There is always opportunity out there, one need to find the right one. Rest is easy.

With thinking about the sickness card, I picked 4 cards to see what in store today,

The message was made clear again, DO NOT turn away from understanding and reality of my situation (thief) , if right thing is done, a new job or project is coming in its way (gift) giving what I desired most (desire)

So, I have to get the things in motion and rest would be taken care of!

Enemy - Widower - Message - Hope

Cards have spoken again, the message is

Sticking to past (widower) is a big NO NO (Enemy), and then the message to me to believe in positive outcome (ref

I feel like cards are coming to life when I see them face to face. I feel its more intuition than pure logic while reading cards.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Malady - Sadness - Constancy - Baby

Today I drew following cards,

Malady - Sad Women - Constancy - Baby

Since yesterday I have been going through lot of personal struggle. I could literally see cards are giving hint after hint about the day's happenings! In fact, most of the time of got the falseness card. It was repeatedly telling me that most of the information I received was not clear or incomplete or I am not given the complete information that I should know. Late night, I realized that I should wait for next day to get a clear picture of the events surrounding my life!

Thanks to the cards.

Malady card Indicates that things are rather slow today and involving sadness in today's events. Further, the constancy card support the baby cards might be indicating the beginning of new things in life and will grow consistantly.

May be I should watch out my words and keep my patience and have faith.

Second draw.

Again cards have hold on to one theme, slow day (Sickness)!

Malady - Lady - Money - Widower

The cards could be telling me that there is lady and widower are involved around money. Money could be on its way, however, it could take some time (Malady) before it reaches me!

Life is complicated. Every time we are tested for our faith. We need streangth and energy to grow spiritually in our world.

My bond with cards are getting stronger and I have a feeling that cards are telling me my story in their own language. Sometime, I am scared to open cards as I dont know what cards have in store. Nevertheless, I will open the cards anyway!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lover - Falseness - Judge - Baby

I drew following cards this morning

what these cards telling ? What falseness card is warning me? Is it warning me to be careful about a person that I am going to be acquinted (baby/new beginning) with today since all information is not available to me regarding his intentions? I better watch my steps today.

My second draw cards came in this fashion

Anger - Enemy - Love - Ecclesiastic

Angry over weakness or resitstance to change (Enemy within), however, with love and tradition things can be made good. I think I understand this. I was sitting with my 3-year son and his resfusal to chew (Enemy) the food properly made me angry and naturally my love for him and off course I had to exercise patience by telling him to chew the food properly.

I wonder, could cards foresee the future! However, I ponder over how we determine the specific event depicted would happen in what specific time period?

Food for thought.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby - Constancy - Loyalty - Visit

All positive cards! Are the cards saying constancy / Confirmation of new beginning (baby), followed by loyalty (friend) and a visit. I have to wait and see.

Day's second draw

Merriment - Journey - Enemy - Widower

Cards are warning me to be careful about an adversary and also giving indication linking enemy to widower (old friend?) . Need to exercise caution today as I am going to meet a person whom I had met years ago.

Thank you cards!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sickness - Gift - Loss - Money

What is the meaning of this interesting combination of cards!
Are cards telling me that sickness (financial worries/business etc) is addressed by gift (Blessing, money by my parents etc) and financial losses that I am suffering today will be addressed by money.

If above analysis is right, I am going to have a good day ahead as there are news about gift and money that will address slowness (sickness) and losses. I am already feeling good.

As my daily routine, I draw second four-card set. Following card appeared in the order

Money - Visit - Women - Death

Again cards are giving me interesting hints related to my wife (women) . I am my wife have been through trying times, though, we had kept faith. Probably, the death card indicates that something related to my wife is going to change for good?

Visit card throws an interesting dimension to the analysis. V isit card means personal friend visits, or conflicts/Dilemma within a person i.e. my wife. So, how money and death cards are related?

I come to conclude that arrival of money (as supported by first card set reading) , will have a major impact on my wife and could end her internal conflicts that might have been running deep within her due to our pressing financial situation.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

11th July, 2009 Card Readings

Constancy - Thief - Travel - Misfortune

Today's card reading is little bit complicated to my understanding! What these card combination meant for me today?

I read inGypsy Cafe that travel card may mean either taking away energy from the card on the left or giving energy to card on the right. In my today card draw combination I can see that the energy is going away from theif and also energy is coming to misfortune card!

Thief card also indicates that the person is turning away from large window into darkness; it means the person is shunning light or spiritual self realization. In fact, I have started to open my mind to various possibilites and accepting the realities of life as they are.

Again, misfortune card can also mean that the person in midst of raging fire is being rescued by the fire man with the water hose.

Does this mean, cards are telling me that the normalcy / constancy would be restored in my life? Anyway, I would like to think optmistic and I would not think of getting Negative energies to touch me.

I drew the second set of cards. Cards were talking to me crystal clear again, SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

Baby - Gift - Travel - Constancy

Cards spoke again!

Does the cards mean, that the constancy, as I was hoping in the previous card reading, is not about adverse situation continuing, rather, positive normalcy is returning to my life. I am greatful to these cards, and, my humble gratitude to GOD almighty.

Perhaps these cards indicating that there is a new beginning (Baby), there is a blessing (gift), with the energy(Travel) flowing towards constancy. In addition, I can also deliberate that the the gift is giving energy to Constancy in a positive way. Wishful thinking!

May be I have my answer.

I will update my observations today evening.