The message seems that to clear up emotions or the past (Widower), there is a some sort of communication (Message) from a lady (perhaps old friend) which involves substantial Money.
Indeed, one of my ex-colleague who once offered me business deal, had long gone out of my network of friends due to some reasons. Suddenly, yesterday, I connected with her on facebook. Interestingly, in one of tarot card readings yesterday, this sudden arrival was very well predicted!
I also realized that Loss cards also means expenses or money paid to some services, not necessarily always means some sort of loss through gambling. Each person could interpret in different way.
For sometime, I was also wondering what could be the difference between 'Widow' and 'Widower'
card? Now, alteast, I know one difference. The widower card indicates faster emotional recovery to loss, and widow card indicates slower recovery.
Hope things will get better in my life.